Atherinomorus forsskali (Foster, 1801)
Small-sized fish that can grow upr to 14 cm, but commonly around 10–12 cm. Eye relatively large. Colour overall silvery, greenish on the dorsal area. A bright blue strip along the body.
Quignard, J.P., Pras, A. (1986). Atherinidae. In: Whitehead PJP, Bauchot M-L, Hureau J-C, Nielsen J, Tortonese E (eds), Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Vol. 3. Paris, pp 1207-1210.
Red Sea hardyhead silverside
It forms large schools along sandy shorelines and reef margins. Feeds on a wide variety of plankton and small benthic invertebrates.
No impact on biodiversity has been reported to date.
No impacts on health and ecosystem services have been recorded.
Records of Atherinomorus forsskali
Sites where Atherinomorus forsskali has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.