Womersleyella setacea

Womersleyella setacea © Thibaut de Bettignies (BioObs) / INPN

Womersleyella setacea (Hollenberg) R.E. Norris, 1992

Plants that create an extensive creeping system that forms erect filaments which are mostly unbranched and consist of joints 70-80 pm in diameter with slightly oblique pericentral cells. Leaflets with sporadic and capillary hairs.

Lazaridou, E. (1994). Systematics, bionomy and ecological study of the marine phytobenthos of the Milos Island (Cyclades). PhD Thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 297 pp.

Records of Womersleyella setacea

Sites where Womersleyella setacea has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

Womersleyella setacea © Thibaut de Bettignies (BioObs) / INPN
Womersleyella setacea © Isabelle Colas (BioObs) / INPN