October 2023

Mnemiopsis leidyi

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Species memo

© Kondylatos, G. (HCMR)

Mnemiopsis leidyi (Agassiz, 1865)

Mnemiopsis have an oval-shaped and transparent lobed body, with four rows of ciliated combs that run along the body vertically and glow blue-green when disturbed. They have several feeding tentacles. Their body comprises 97% water. They have a maximum body length of roughly 7–12 cm and a diameter of 2.5 cm

Shiganova T, Mirzoyan Z, Studenkina E, Volovik S, Siokou-Frangou I, Zervoudaki S, Christou ED, Skirta A, Dumont H (2001) Population development of the invader ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Black sea and in other seas of the Mediterranean basin. Marine Biology 139: 431-445

Records of Mnemiopsis leidyi

Sites where Mnemiopsis leidyi has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

© Kondylatos, G. (HCMR)
© Kondylatos, G. (HCMR)

Mnemiopsis leidyi Read More »

Microcosmus squamiger

Womersleyella setacea © Isabelle Colas (BioObs) / INPN

Microcosmus squamiger Michaelsen, 1927

The species is a solitary ascidian with a presumable Australian origin which dwells in shallow rocky littoral habitats, particularly bays and harbours.

Montesanto F.& Mastrototaro F, 2022.  New record of the non-indigenous species Microcosmus squamiger Michaelsen, 1927 (Tunicata, Ascidiacea) within a Greek marina.

Records of Microcosmus squamiger

Sites where Microcosmus squamiger has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

Microcosmus squamiger Read More »

Oithona davisae

© Jeffery R. Cordell (University of Washington)

Oithona davisae Ferrari F.D. & Orsi, 1984

They are small zooplankton,with a body form oval with sharply pointed rostrum, visible under a stereoscope.

Kourkoutmani, P., Loufi, K., Kalantaridou, G., Karagianni, A., & Michaloudi, E. (2023). Spatio-temporal variation of the invasive copepod Oithona davisae in the zooplankton community of Kavala harbour. Mediterranean Marine Science, 24 (1), pp. 174–181. https://doi.org/10.12681/mms.32127

Records of Oithona davisae

Sites where Oithona davisae has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

© Michaloudi, Ε. (AUTh). Pictures derived from Kourkoutmani et al., 2023: i) dorsal view, B) side view, C) maxillule (scale 50 μm).

Oithona davisae Read More »

Parupeneus forsskali

© Alia M., Diattab Y., Alkusairya H., Saada A. and Capapé C. (scale bar: 20 mm)

Parupeneus forsskali (Fourmanoir & Guézé, 1976)

Body with a broad black stripe from the upper lip through the eye along upper side of body, ending beneath the end of the second dorsal fin; above stripe greyish green and below white. Just before the tail, yellow with an irregular roundish black spot, tail yellow. Common size ≈20 cm.

Corsini-Foka, M. & Kondylatos, M. in Stamouli C, Akel EHKh, Azzurro E, Bakiu R, Bas AA, Bitar G, Boyaci Y.Ö, Cakalli M, Corsini-Foka M, Crocetta F, Dragičević B, Dulčić J, Durucan F, El Zrelli R, Erguden D, Filiz H, Giardina F, Giovos I, Gönülal O, Hemida F, Kassar A, Kondylatos G, Macali A, Mancini E, Ovalis P, Paladini De Mendoza F, Pavičić M, Rabaoui L, Rizkalla Si, Tiralongo F, Turan C, Vrdoljak D, Yapici S, Zenetos A (2017). New Mediterranean Marine biodiversity records (December 2017). Mediterranean Marine Science 18(3): 534-556

Records of Parupeneus forsskali

Sites where Parupeneus forsskali has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

© Randall, J.E. (FishBase)
© Alia M., Diattab Y., Alkusairya H., Saada A. and Capapé C. (scale bar: 20 mm)

Parupeneus forsskali Read More »

Pempheris rhomboidea

© Randall, J.E. (FishBase)

Pempheris rhomboidea Kossmann & Räuber, 1877

Body small (up to 13 cm), rhomboid and flattened from the sides. Eyes big and short snout. Color reddish-bronze. Fins with a darker edge.

Zachariou-Mamalinga, H. (1990). The fishes of Symi, Dodecanese. Their scientific, vernacular, common modern Greek and ancient Greek names. Annales dei Musei Goulandris 8: 309-416

Records of Pempheris rhomboidea

Sites where Pempheris rhomboidea has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

© Randall, J.E. (FishBase)

Pempheris rhomboidea Read More »

Pterois miles

© Leonidas Stavrou

Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828)

Body and fins banded with alternating wide dark brown/black, white and red bands. Anal and caudal fins ornamented with dark spots. Small individuals, with a lighter coloration. Dorsal fin appears feathery, whereas pectoral fins wing-like.

Corsini-Foka, M., Kondylatos, G. (2015). First occurrence of the invasive lionfish Pterois miles in Greece and the Aegean Sea. Medit. Mar. Sci. 16/3: 692-702.

Records of “Pterois miles

Records where the species has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

Pterois miles
© Leonidas Stavrou
© Leonidas Stavrou
© Randall, J.E. (FishBase)

Pterois miles Read More »

Portunus segnis

© Kondylatos, M. (HCMR)

Portunus segnis (Forsskål, 1775)

Males have a dark olive green blue carapace marked with numerous pale white spots on especially towards the rear and along the sides. The females are similar to the males except that the tips of their legs are red with a brownish red tinge rather than being blue tinged with intense rusty red.

Corsini-Foka, M., Kondylatos, G., Economidis, PS (2004). Occurrence of the lessepsian species Portunus pelagicus (Crustacea) and Apogon pharaonis (Pisces) in the marine area of Rhodes Island. Mediterranean Marine Science 5(1): 5-17.

Records of Portunus segnis

Sites where Portunus segnis has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

© @missnarjess (iNaturalist)
© Kondylatos, M. (HCMR)

Portunus segnis Read More »

Rapana venosa

© Bisulli, E. (iNaturalist)

Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846)

Shell globose, with very large body whorl and low conical spire. Spire whorls with a strong shoulder, irregular spiral sculpture. Aperture large, ovate, slightly expanded. Siphonal canal broad, widely open and bearing a series of scales. Τhe colour of the shell is variable from dull grey, to orange-brown, and atypically blonde, with more or less dark brown dashes on the spiral ribs. The aperture and columella vary from deep orange to yellow, or off-white. Shells can reach 168.5 mm or more in size.

Koutsoubas, D., Voultsiadou-Koukoura, E. (1991). Occurrence of Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) in the Aegean Sea. Bolletino Malacologico 26(10-12): 201-204

Records of Rapana venosa

Sites where Rapana venosa has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

© Girrard, P. (iNaturalist)
© Bisulli, E. (iNaturalist)

Rapana venosa Read More »

Rhopilema nomadica

© Ammar, R. (iNaturalist)

Rhopilema nomadica Galil, 1990

It is a marine bivalve with a thick, strongly ribbed shell. The hinge line bears numerous teeth, arranged in a line on both valves. Both valves have prominent beaks which are set close to the anterior end and curved inward. The shell is heart-shaped in a side view. The shell is somewhat oblong, with straight shoulders below the beak. Both shells have about 12 radiating ribs. The shell is white, but it is covered with a brown periostracum. This bivalve does not have a siphon. This shell typically reaches 25 mm. Ark shells occasionally attach to rocks and shells with byssus threads.

Siokou-Frangou I, Sarantakos K, Christou ED (2006). First record of the scyphomedusa Rhopilema nomadica Galil, 1990 (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae) in Greece. Aquatic Invasions 1(3): 194-195.

Records of Rhopilema nomadica

Sites where Rhopilema nomadica has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

© Omnès, R. (iNaturalist)
© Ammar, R. (iNaturalist)

Rhopilema nomadica Read More »

Saurida lessepsianus

© Samaha, Z. (FishBase)

Saurida lessepsianus Russell, Golani & Tikochinski, 2015

Body elongate and cylindrical, slightly compressed caudal peduncle. Color silvery. Upper margin of tail has a row of 3-8 (usually 6 or 7) distinct blackish spots.

Ondrias, IC (1971). A list of the fresh and sea water fishes of Greece. Hellenic Oceanology and Limnology 10: 23-96

Records of Saurida lessepsianus

Sites where Saurida lessepsianus has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

© Osmany, HB (FishBase)
© Samaha, Z. (FishBase)

Saurida lessepsianus Read More »