October 2023

Sargocentron rubrum

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Species memo

© Randall, JE (FishBase)

Sargocentron rubrum (Forsskål, 1775)

Body with subequal stripes of brownish red and silvery white; spinous dorsal fin dark red with a large, quadrangular, whitish blotch in middle of each membrane (except the first) forming a median band; dorsal membrane tips white, except posteriorly. Eye big.

Laskaridis, K. (1948a). Holocentrum rubrum (Forsk) and Lagocephalus lagocephalus (L.), two newly reported members of the Greek fishfauna (Dodecanesian islands). Proceedings of the Hellenic Hydrobiological Institut, 2: 127-129.

Records of Sargocentron rubrum

Sites where Sargocentron rubrum has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

© Randall, JE (FishBase)
© Randall, JE (FishBase)

Sargocentron rubrum Read More »

Siganus rivulatus

© Dammous, S. (FishBase)

Siganus rivulatus Forsskål, 1775

Body laterally compressed body with a slightly forked tail. The dorsal fin has 14 spines and 10 soft rays. The slender spines are barbed and bear venom. The teeth are incisor-like with lateral cusps and are arranged in a single row in the jaws.Colour variable, with the upper part being grey-green to brown that is lighter in colour (yellow to silvery) at the belly. There are usuall some small darks spots and yellow wavy lines along the sides. Length most commonly around 20 cm.

Zachariou-Mamalinga, H. (1990). The fishes of Symi, Dodecanese. Their scientific, vernacular, common modern Greek and ancient Greek names. Annales dei Musei Goulandris 8: 309-416.

Records of Siganus rivulatus

Sites where Siganus rivulatus has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

© Karachle, P.K. (4ALIEN, HCMR)
© Dammous, S. (FishBase)

Siganus rivulatus Read More »

Siganus luridus

© Dulčić J., Dragičević B., Grgičević R., Lipej L.

Siganus luridus (Rüppell, 1829)

Body compressed body. There is a single row of incisor-like teeth in the jaws, each with 1 or 2 lateral cusps. Tail truncate. Attains a maximum total length of 30 cm, although common lenght is 20 cm. Colour variable, more often olive green to dark brown with a mottled pattern. There are dark bars on the tail.

Kavallakis, G. (1968). Siganus luridus and Siganus rivulatus in the Dodecaneses Islands. Haliia 248: 307-308.

Records of Siganus luridus

Sites where Siganus luridus has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

© Dammous, S. (FishBase)
© Dulčić J., Dragičević B., Grgičević R., Lipej L.

Siganus luridus Read More »

Styela plicata

© Duarte Frade (iNaturalist)

Styela plicata (Lesueur, 1823)

Styela plicata is a solitary tunicate, variable in shape, but roughly oval. It is fixed to the substrate by the posterior end of its body, usually without roots or stalks. Its total body length can reach 90 mm. The color of the tunic is whitish with brown or black stripes radiating from the siphons.

Koukouras, A., Voultsiadou-Koukoura, E., Kevrekidis, T., Vafidis, D. (1995). Ascidian fauna of the Aegean Sea with a check list of the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea species. Annales de l’Institut Océanographique 71: 19‑34

Records of Styela plicata

Sites where Styela plicata has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

© Dan Monceaux (iNaturalist)
© Duarte Frade (iNaturalist)

Styela plicata Read More »

Sphyraena chrysotaenia

© Kondylatos, G. (HCMR)

Sphyraena chrysotaenia Klunzinger, 1884

Body very elongated, torpedo-shaped, typical of the barracudas. Colour brown grey dorsally, and silverey ventrally. A dusky band runs the body from snout through center of eye and above pectoral base to base of the tail. This band may show a yellowish tint on the head.

Corsini, M., Economidis, P.S. (1999). Distribution extension of two Lessepsian migrants found in the marine area of the island of Rhodes (Aegean Sea, Greece). Cybium 23(2): 195-199.

Records of Sphyraena chrysotaenia

Sites where Sphyraena chrysotaenia has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

Sphyraena chrysotaenia Read More »

Upeneus pori

© Randall, J.E. (FishBase)

Upeneus pori Ben-Tuvia & Golani, 1989

Body elongated, with a rounded snout. Color greyish or red-brown, darker on the back, and covered with grey or reddish brown spots. There is a dark brown or red bar which runs vertically through the eye and the barbels located on the chin are white or yellow. Tail marked with a total of 11–15 bars with 4–6 reddish brown bars on the upper lobe and 6–9 red-brown or grey bars on the lower part of the lower lobe which extend to form a broad brown or dark grey stripe along middle of lobe. There are also 3–4 brownish-red or grey bars on inner, upper half of lower lobe.

Corsini, M., Margies, P., Kondilatos, G., Economidis, P.S. (2005). Lessepsian migration of fishes to the Aegean Sea: First record of Tylerius spinosissimus (Tetraodontidae) from the Mediterranean and six more fish records from Rhodes. Cybium 29: 347-354.

Records of Upeneus pori

Sites where Upeneus pori has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

© Margies, P. (FishBase)
© Randall, J.E. (FishBase)

Upeneus pori Read More »

Upeneus moluccensis

© Khalaf, M.A. (FishBase)

Upeneus moluccensis (Bleeker, 1855)

It has an elongated body which has a sub-cylindrical anterior portion which becomes compressed towards the tail that is deeply forked. Like other mullids, it bears a pair of barbels on the chin. The back is pinkish-red in colour contrasting with the white belly, from which it is separated by single longitudinal yellow stripe which runs from the operculum to the caudal fin peduncle. The dorsal fins are yellow in colour with 3 parallel red bars while the pectoral fin is a similar colour but lacks markings and the pelvic fin is colourless. The upper lobe of caudal fin is whitish and has 5 or 6 black diagonal bars while the lower lobe is unmarked except for the hind margin which is black as the second bar of the upper lobe extends along it.

Laskaridis, K. (1948b). Contribution to the biology of the fish Mulloides auriflamma (Forsk.). Proceedings of the Hellenic Hydrobiological Institute 2: 103-118

Records of Upeneus moluccensis

Sites where Upeneus moluccensis has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

© Khalaf, M.A. (FishBase)

Upeneus moluccensis Read More »

Womersleyella setacea

Womersleyella setacea © Thibaut de Bettignies (BioObs) / INPN

Womersleyella setacea (Hollenberg) R.E. Norris, 1992

Plants that create an extensive creeping system that forms erect filaments which are mostly unbranched and consist of joints 70-80 pm in diameter with slightly oblique pericentral cells. Leaflets with sporadic and capillary hairs.

Lazaridou, E. (1994). Systematics, bionomy and ecological study of the marine phytobenthos of the Milos Island (Cyclades). PhD Thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 297 pp.

Records of Womersleyella setacea

Sites where Womersleyella setacea has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

Womersleyella setacea © Thibaut de Bettignies (BioObs) / INPN
Womersleyella setacea © Isabelle Colas (BioObs) / INPN

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