October 2023

Anadara transversa

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Species memo

Kapeller, R. (WoRMS)

Anadara transversa (Say, 1822)

It is a marine bivalve with a thick, strongly ribbed shell. The hinge line bears numerous teeth, arranged in a line on both valves. Both valves have prominent beaks which are set close to the anterior end and curved inward. The shell is heart-shaped in a side view. The shell is somewhat oblong, with straight shoulders below the beak. Both shells have about 12 radiating ribs. The shell is white, but it is covered with a brown periostracum. This bivalve does not have a siphon. This shell typically reaches 25 mm. Ark shells occasionally attach to rocks and shells with byssus threads.

Zenetos, A. (1994). Scapharca demiri (Piani, 1981): First finding in the North Aegean Sea. La Conchiglia 271: 37-38

Records of Anadara trasversa

Sites where Anadara trasversa has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker (WoRMS)

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Atherinomorus forsskali

© soenkebonde (iNaturalist)

Atherinomorus forsskali (Foster, 1801)

Small-sized fish that can grow upr to 14 cm, but commonly around 10–12 cm. Eye relatively large. Colour overall silvery, greenish on the dorsal area. A bright blue strip along the body.

Quignard, J.P., Pras, A. (1986). Atherinidae. In: Whitehead PJP, Bauchot M-L, Hureau J-C, Nielsen J, Tortonese E (eds), Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Vol. 3. Paris, pp 1207-1210.

Records of Atherinomorus forsskali

Sites where Atherinomorus forsskali has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

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Asparagopsis taxiformis

© Pillon, Roberto (WoRMS)

Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan de Saint-Léon, 1845

Thalli mostly gregarious, caespitose, dark red, purplish red, or purple-violaceous, with creeping stolons (cylindrical, intricate and irregularly branched) giving rise to erect axes 6-20 cm high. Erect axes stout, sparingly divided, naked below or with the stubs of lateral branches and densely covered with numerous plumose branchlets on all sides above (pyramidal outline). Branchlets soft, delicate, repeatedly alternately divided. Apices extremely fine.

Athanasiadis, A. (1997). North Aegean Marine Algae IV. Womersleyella setacea (Hollenberg) R.E. Norris (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales). Botanica Marina 40: 473-476.

Records of Asparagopsis taxiformis

Sites where Asparagopsis taxiformis has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

© Pillion, Roberto (WoRMS)
© Pillon, Roberto (WoRMS)

Asparagopsis taxiformis Read More »

Asparagopsis armata

© Bárbara, Ignacio (WoRMS)

Asparagopsis armata Harvey, 1855

Species of marine red algae, in the family Bonnemaisoniaceae. They are multicellular eukaryotic organisms.

Nicolaidou A, Alongi G, Aydogan O, Catra M, Cavas L, Cevik C, Dosi A, Circosta V, Giakoumi S, Gimenez-Casalduero F, Filiz H, Izquierso-Munoz A, Kalogirou S, Konstantinidis E, Kousteni V, Kout J, Legaki A, Megalofonou P, Ovalis P, Paolillo G, Paschos I, Perdikakis C, Poursanidis D, Ramos-Espla AA, Reizopoulou S, Sperone E, Taskin E, Tripepi S, Vazquez-Luis M (2012). New Mediterranean biodiversity records (June 2012). Mediterranean Marine Science 13(1): 162-174

Records of Asparagopsis armata

Sites where Asparagopsis armada has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

© Bárbara, Ignacio (WoRMS)
© Bárbara, Ignacio (WoRMS)

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Brachidontes pharaonis

© Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Brachidontes pharaonis (P. Fischer, 1870)

Brachidontes pharaonis is a small bivalve that grows its shell up to 40mm in length. The external surfaces of the shell are dark brownish black while the interior of the shell is purplish-black. The two halves of the shell are equal in size and similar in shape, being elongated and asymmetrical, with a dysodont hinge between the valves. It s attached to the substrate by thick byssus.

Tenekides, N.S. (1989). On a collection of shells from the Greek Seas. Protopapa Press, Athens, 187 pp (in Greek).

Records of Brachidontes pharaonis

Sites where Brachidontes pharaoinis has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

Brachidontes pharaonis Read More »

Bonnemaisonia hamifera

©National Museums Northern Ireland (iNaturalist)

Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot, 1891

The species is included in the red algae family Bonnemaisoniaceae. Originally from the Pacific Ocean, it has been introduced into the northeastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, where it is considered invasive on European coasts. It exists in two phases which, at one time, were thought to be different species; a medium-sized feathery form attached to other seaweeds, and a small tufted form known as Trailliella.

Skoufas, G., Tsirika, A., (2003). Preliminary results of the epibiotic flora on Eunicella singularis (Gorgonacea) colonies from the north Aegean Sea. p. 244. In: Proceedings of the Second Mediterranean Symposium on Marine Vegetation, Athens, December 2003.

Records of Atherinomorus forsskali

Sites where Atherinomorus forsskali has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

©National Museums Northern Ireland (iNaturalist)
©National Museums Northern Ireland (iNaturalist)

Bonnemaisonia hamifera Read More »

Cassiopea andromeda

© Dani Barchana (iNaturalist)

Cassiopea andromeda (Forsskål, 1775)

Flat disc, with 8 short arms; each arm with 4-6 branches ornamented with many filaments and clubs. Usually lies on the sea-floor in calm waters turned upside down. Yellow-brown in color, with paler spots and streaks, some animals of white, blue, and green color.

Schäfer, W. (1955). Eine Qualle aus dem Indischen Ozean in der Agais. Natur und Volk 85: 241-245

Records of Cassiopea andromeda

Sites where Cassiopea andromeda has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

© Dani Barchana (iNaturalist)

Cassiopea andromeda Read More »

Caulerpa cylindracea

© Julien Renoult (iNaturalist)

Caulerpa cylindracea Sonder, 1845

The green macroalgae is considered an invasive species native from Australia that has rapidly spread across the Mediterranean since 1926. It colonises a variety of substrata, and its dominating presence has been found to alter indigenous flora and fauna biodiversity. This algal species has been a key invasive species in the NE Mediterranean and appeared in the Aegean Sea since late 1990’s.

Panayotidis, P., Montesanto, B. (1994). Caulerpa racemosa (Chlorophyta) on the Greek coasts. Cryptogamie-Algologie 15(2): 159-161.

Records of Caulerpa cylindracea

Sites where Caulerpa cylindracea has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

Caulerpa cylindracea Read More »

Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla

© Defranoux et al. 2022 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10452-021-09925-7)

Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla (Sonder) Verlaque, Huisman & Procaccini, 2013

The species occurs in high abundances and dominated the benthic community, suggesting that has the potential to become a major pest in the Mediterranean. It was also observed over a very wide depth range, from the sea surface to at least 100 m depth, on a variety of natural soft and hard substrates as well as abandoned fishing nets, suggesting a broad environmental plasticity.

Aplikioti M, Louizidou P, Mystikou A, Marcou M, Stavrou P, Kalogirou S, Tsiamis K, Panayotidis P, Kuepper FC (2016) Further expansion of the alien seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla (Sonder) Verlaque, Huisman & Procacini (Ulvophyceae, Bryopsidales)  in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Aquatic Invasions 11(1): 11-20

Records of Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla

Sites where Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla Read More »

Callinectes sapidus

© iNaturalist

Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896

Body almost twice as wide than long, ornamented with teeth in the front and two prominent lateral spines. Claws elongated. Two last segments of the fifth legs are flattened to paddles. Colour greyish, bluish to brownish green, with lighter coloured to pinkish tints.

Serbetis, C. (1959). Un nouveau crustace commestible en mer Egee Callinectes sapidus Rath. (Decapod brach.). General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (GFMC) Proceedings and Technical Papers 5: 505-507.

Records of Callinectes sapidus

Sites where Callinectes sapidus has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

© Reinaldo Aguilar (iNaturalist)
© iNaturalist

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