October 2023

Conomurex persicus

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Species memo

© Tavantzopoulou, S. (ELNAIS)

Conomurex persicus (Swainson, 1821)

Shell biconical, with a moderately high spire and a large body whorl. Spire whorls with a definite keel, which is continued on the body whorl at a short distance from the suture. It has a whitish background, and brown markings organized to form unequal spiral bands. Its size ranges from 35 to 45mm. (50 mm, max.).

Verhecken, A. (1984). Strombus decorus raybaudii in de Middellandse Zee. Gloria Maris 23: 79-88

Records of Conomurex persicus

Sites where Conomurex persicus has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

© Tavantzopoulou, S. (ELNAIS)

Conomurex persicus Read More »

Crepidula fornicata

© Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker (WoRMS)

Crepidula fornicata (Linnaeus, 1758)

The species has a brown shell that reaches about 6 cm long. The septum divides the interior of the shell into two parts: the external one where the foot and head can move and the internal one where the visceral mass is protected. The plasticity of this species is important and shell can be deformed

Delamotte, M., Vardala-Theodorou, E. (1994). Shells from the Greek Seas. The Goulandris Natural History Museum, Athens, 299 pp

Records of Crepidula fornicata

Sites where Crepidula fornicata has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

© Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker (WoRMS)

Crepidula fornicata Read More »

Codium fragile subsp. fragile

© Marjan Steppe (WoRMS)

Codium fragile subsp. fragile (Suringar) Hariot, 1889

The species originates from the Pacific Ocean (Japan) and has been spread to both hemispheres, mainly due to shipping (Carlton and Scanlon 1985). In Europe, it was first found on the Dutch coasts of the North Sea in 1900 (Silva 1955), and since then, it was introduced in the western Mediterranean through Gibraltar in 1940 (Meslin 1964). Today, it has been spread also in the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea, including the Turkish coasts (Gurner et al., 1985)

Tsiamis, K., Panayotidis, P. (2007). Occurrence of Codium fragile subsp. tomentosoides (van Goor) P.C. Silva (Chlorophyta: Bryopsidophyceae: Bryopsidales: Codiaceae) in Greece. Aquatic Invasions 2(1): 74-76

Records of Codium fragile subsp. fragile

Sites where Codium fragile subsp. fragile has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

Codium fragile subsp. fragile Read More »

Chama pacifica

© Xentidis (ELNAIS)

Chama pacifica Broderip, 1834

Shell large, solid strongly inequivalve with lower valve bigger and deeper than the upper. Outline irregular, generally suboval to subcircular.  Exterior white, red, orange or purple; interior white usually splashed with pale or deep rose, particularly round the margins. Sculpture of short spines more pronounced towards the margin where they are concentrically lamellate. More prominent spines on the left side of the valve. Internal margin encircled by a finely-crenulate-striate ridge. It grows its shell up to 70mm in height.

Karachle PK, Angelidis A, Apostolopoulos G, Ayas D, Ballesteros M, Bonnici C, Brodersen MM, Castriota L, Chalari N, Cottalorda JM, Crocetta F, Deidun A, Đođo AZ, Dogrammatzi A, Dulčić J, Fiorentino F, Gönülal O, Harmelin JG, Insacco G, Izquierdo-Gómez D, Izquierdo-Muñoz A, Joksimović A, Kavadas S, Malaquias MAE, Madrenas E, Massi D, Micarelli P, Minchin D, Önal U, Ovalis P, Poursanidis D, Siapatis A, Sperone E, Spinelli A, Stamouli C, Tiralongo F, Tunçer S, Yaglioglu D, Zava B, Zenetos A (2016) New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (March 2016). Mediterranean Marine Science 17: 230-252

Records of Chama pacifica

Sites where Chama pacifica has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

© Xentidis (ELNAIS)
© Xentidis (ELNAIS)

Chama pacifica Read More »

Erugosquilla massavensis

© Kalaentzis, K. (iNaturalist)

Erugosquilla massavensis (Kossmann, 1880)

As their common name suggests, it resembles a cross between a preying mantis and a shrimp. The species is easily distinguished from Squilla mantis due to the lack of the paired dark spots on the dorsal part of the telson. Colour light grey-orange dotted with very small dark spots.

Corsini, M., Margies, P., Kondylatos, G., Economidis, P.S., (2006). Three new exotic fish records from the SE Aegean Greek waters. Scientia Marina 70: 319-323.

Records of Erugosquilla massavensis

Sites where Erugosquilla massavensis has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

© Laking, A. (iNaturalist)
© Kalaentzis, K. (iNaturalist)

Erugosquilla massavensis Read More »

Ficopomatus enigmaticus

© Duane Cox (Museum Victoria)

Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel, 1923)

The species resembles a tube-shaped organism. It represents a tube building polychaete worm that presumably origin from the Southern Hemisphere. The species habitat is characterized as the hard needed for the species attachment. Increased abundance of the species can lead to reef like structures up to 4 meters in width and more than 2 meters in height.


Marinov, T. (1959). Beitrag zur Erforschung der Polychaeten vom Agaischen Meer. Izvestiya akademii nauk Sofia 8: 293-295

Records of Ficopomatus enigmaticus

Sites where Ficopomatus engimaticus has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

© Geoffrey, R. (WoRMS)
© Duane Cox (Museum Victoria)

Ficopomatus enigmaticus Read More »

Etrumeus golanii

© Vagenas, G. (4ALIEN, HCMR)

Etrumeus golanii Di Battista, Randall & Bowen, 2012

Body streamline. Its characteristics resemble and seem likes a mixture of those of a sardine, round sardinella and anchovy. Colour iridescent blue-green dorsally on body, dark pigmentation, shading through bronze to silvery white on belly.

Kallianiotis A., & Lekkas V. (2005). First documented report on the Lessepsian migrant Etrumeus teres De Kay, 1842 (Pisces: Clupeidae) in the Greek Seas. Journal of Biological Research 4: 225-229.

© Karachle, P.K. (4ALIEN, HCMR)
© Vagenas, G. (4ALIEN, HCMR)

Etrumeus golanii Read More »

Halophila stipulacea

© Chatziefthimiou, AD (iNaturalist)

Halophila stipulacea (Forsskål) Ascherson, 1867

A tropical subtidal seagrass that is widely distributed along the coasts of the western Indian Ocean and Red Sea, and forms mono- or poly-specific meadows along the shore line. This species invaded the Mediterranean probably from the Red Sea through the Suez Canal, and it has been known to occur in the Mediterranean basin since 1895.


Fritsch, C. (1895). Uber die Auffindung einer marinen Hydrocharidae im Mittelmeer. Verhandlungen der zoologisch botanischen gesamten Wien 45: 104-106

Records of Halophila stipulacea

Sites where Halophila stipulacea has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.

© Dieppa, A. (iNaturalist)
© Chatziefthimiou, AD (iNaturalist)

Halophila stipulacea Read More »

Lagocephalus sceleratus


Lagocephalus sceleratus (Gmelin, 1788)

Bat-shaped body. Reaches sizes of ≈100 cm, but the common length is ≈50 cm. Mouth with fused jaw teeth which are very sharp. A characteristic silver band runs along the sides. Back silvery-grey with black dots of nearly equal size, belly white.

Corsini, M., Margies, P., Kondylatos, G., Economidis, P.S., (2006). Three new exotic fish records from the SE Aegean Greek waters. Scientia Marina 70: 319-323.

Records of Lagocephalus sceleratus

Sites where Lagocephalus sceleratus has been recorded in the Hellenic Sea.


Lagocephalus sceleratus Read More »

Lophocladia lallemandii

© F. Javier Murcia Requena. Ecological inventory - Canal Mar Menor

Lophocladia lallemandii (Montagne) F.Schmitz, 1893

The species is described as a filamentous red algae which can reach up to 15 cm tall. In the marine environment the species usually appears as a bush of red, pink or whitish filaments intertwined with each other or with other algae.

Petersen, H.E. (1918). Algae (excl. calcareous algae). In: Schmidt J (ed.) Report on the Danish Oceanographical Expeditions 1908-1910 to the Mediterranean and adjacent seas. Vol. II. Biology. Vol. [Art.] K.3, Københaven, pp. 1-20

Records of Lophocladia lallemandii

Sites where Lophocladia lallemandii has been recorded in the Hellenic Seas.

© F. Javier Murcia Requena. Ecological inventory - Canal Mar Menor

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